CUNY Has a New Latino Chancellor

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By Sally Barrilla

On May 1st, 2019, Dr. Matos Rodriguez became CUNY’s first Latino chancellor. 

Rodriguez, who is Puerto Rican and a former president of Hostos Community and Queens Colleges, was approved without opposition by CUNY’s fourteen-member board of trustees, students, and faculty. 

 Several Lehman students and faculty reacted positively to his appointment and wondered what changes he will bring to CUNY.

“I believe it’s wonderful for CUNY to appoint its first chancellor of color,” said Dr. Melissa Castillo Planas, an assistant professor of English at Lehman College. “My greatest hope is that this election brings a more effective leadership that rethinks and questions the culture at Lehman College that is largely ignoring its responsibilities as a Hispanic Serving Institution in terms of curriculum, advising and faculty hiring,” she added. “Also, I would love to see diversity movements that reverberate all throughout CUNY, especially Lehman.” 

Lehman student Otto Conde also expressed excitement. “Color is a huge deal in the country; I think the impact depends on the town or borough the chancellor decides to focus on. Whatever area he chooses will help people of color to increase their experience and chances of finding work and economic stability in no time without a waitlist.” 

Rodriguez has a master’s degree from Yale and a PhD from Columbia University, and is board chairman of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, a nonprofit organization in Washington, D.C. that aims to increase the enrollment of Hispanic students in higher education. 

During his five and six-year presidencies of Queens and Hostos Community Colleges, his work was recognized to have transformed both communities for both students and faculty. He is also well known for expanding the minority students’ retention rate at both institutions which granted him several awards. Also, his commitment in reconstructing the way minority students view CUNY as a community increased his reputation, but it also ensured CUNY is helping students create achievements.

According to QNS, Rodriguez said, “I am deeply grateful and tremendously excited to lead the nation’s foremost urban public university, particularly at this time when our mission and commitment to excellent public higher education has never been more vital. This is an extraordinary opportunity for anyone who is passionate about the role CUNY plays in the lifeblood of the city, anyone who is deeply committed to opening the doors of educational excellence and economic and social mobility to all the people of New York,” said Rodriguez.



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