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Limited Food Options as More Students Return to Campus

By Jeffrey Perdomo, Staff Writer

As campus reopens, the typical college experience returns after a two-year long hiatus. Students are taking in-person classes, participating in sports, as well as accessing the library and taking advantage of the opportunities that were lost during the pandemic. Yet the highlight of any college experience has always been the food.

 Prior to the Pandemic, the college offered The Underground Lounge in the Lower Level of the Music Building. According to the College website, it offered a variety of food for students ranging from salads, sandwiches, pizzas and even Asian cuisines. The lounge sat up to 800 students, giving it a more traditional college cafeteria feel for students to hang out. The college also offered the Carman Cafe located in Carman Hall, allowing students to buy pastries and coffee. 

 The Lehman community usually get notifications from the Business Office with images of two flyers sent to their campus emails. Pictures of muffins, empanadas, sandwich wraps, and smoothies littered across the message. There is also much needed information such as hours and where these treats are located on campus. This semester is no different. 

 On campus this semester, students only have three options to choose from. They can visit the returning World Cup at Harmony Cafe located in the Music Building and try the baked empanadas, salads, soups and sandwiches with a free bag of Lays chips. The Cafe now offers limited seating but primarily is seen as a grab-and-go option for students. 

Students can also try out the special Farmer's Fridge vending machine, not to be confused with the regular vending machines around campus. Located in the lobby area of Shuster Hall, it provides healthy options for students, including salads, snacks, and tofu that are packed in 100% recyclable jars.

Lastly, students can choose The Little Hot Dog Wagon every Wednesday behind the Fine Arts Building. 

The wagon offers not only hot dogs but also a wide variety of burgers, grilled chicken and their homemade specialty kraut. The business is owned and founded by Dawn Demery, a former CUNY employee who lost her job due to budget cuts. Since the Wagon’s inception back in 2018, it has been featured on and has been featured in a video to promote the NYC Small Business Services’ ‘Avenue NYC Commercial Revitalization Grants program.

While these options sound great, many students have run into some issues. One freshman student named Cindy said she wishes she had more options to eat on campus. This would lead students to leave campus to enjoy a meal. Others like Hypathia, a junior, don’t have that luxury. Since her schedule has in-person classes three days out of the week, she doesn't have the time to travel off-campus to get food between classes. With so few options, she and many others are stuck with what is available. 

Another student named Dayna commented that she preferred off campus food to the choices on campus. 

“The prices are okay,” she said, “but a little excessive,” she added in reference to a recent purchase she made at the Cafe.

Another complaint was about the newfound experience of eating on campus. A freshmen student named Justin said there should be more staffing at places like The Harmony Cafe. He believes there should be at least two registers in order to keep traffic moving with no long lines. 

According to the Assistant Vice President for financial operations Gina Harwood, the college doesn't have a vendor to provide full-time food service operations at this time. She added, “Our former contract expired during the pandemic and we will need to bid to obtain a new one.”

Normal cafeteria options for students won’t return unless the campus reaches a deal with an outside vendor to help serve students. Hardwood says she hopes to have food options available as soon as possible. She also added that students should expect to see The World Cup expanded to Carmen Hall soon.

In the meantime, students will have to exhibit patience, as the campus works to expand food options for students in the near future.